samedi 8 janvier 2011

Sergey Matskevich ( my coach )

In the past year minchanin Sergey Matskevich individual headed the rating of the international federation of weightlifting, after outdistancing one additional representative of the Belorussian capital – the titled athlete of Vyacheslav Horoneko. Today Sergey – repeated champion the prize-winner of world superiority and championship of Belarus’, the possessor of 18 world records in weightlifting, although the form of in no way Herculean: and by increase it is not too high, and arms are not very wide. By sight of usual fellow, then nature, and muscles are steel. But already Sergey much and persistently is trained, that also helps it worthy to represent home state on the international tournaments, the festivals of power skills and the world championships on weightlifting. By birth our hero from The [zhitkovichey], that on [Gomelshchine]. There graduated from school, PTU.

There in local [DYUSSH] it began to be occupied seriously by sport. To it transported with the trainer. And today in composite republic among the athlete- weightlifters numerous pupils Of [zhitkovichskoy] [DYUSSH], and more accurate, one of its instructors of S.V. Yuzyuka]. Among its students champions the prize-winners of world superiority and championship of the country – Alexander Volk, Sergey Sergeyev, Oleg Sagadin, the sons of trainer – Aleksey and Constantine.

Sergey Matskevich is proud by his first teacher and it is very grateful to it. Specifically, S.V.Yuzyuk convinced young fellow that his vocation – weightlifting. Being trained under the management of experienced teacher, youth after only two months began to show the not bad results, which allowed it to rise to the pedestal of the honor of local and provincial republic tournaments. Coming out in 1994 on the superiority of Gomel region among the young people, it knew how to demonstrate very solid result – it pushed two [pudovye] weights of 138 times. In the same year on the championship of the country in Brest it pushed the same weights of 150 times in 7 minutes with the norm of 10 minutes.

It in 1996 appeared itself in the power Marathon on the international goblet of woodlands, which was passed to native Zhitkovichakh. Then it per hour accomplished 950 upsurges of [polutorapudovoy] weight. But even after a certain time Sergey twice met in the tournaments with the noted for our athlete of Vyacheslav Horoneko and twice he yielded. But the first failures did not confuse young hero. It continued persistently to be trained. Results did not slow down to be said.

In 2000 it establishes several extreme world records, and he in 2001 becomes the champion of peace. At the tournament in Saint Petersburg the Belorussian pushed per hour the 32-kilogram weight of 984 times. Now Sergey is trained in the deserved trainer of Belarus’, master of sport Victor Fedorovich Kovaleva. Finished the [trenerskiy] department of the Belorussian State University of physical culture.

There was moment in its life, when it departed from the large sport. He said that it got tired from “iron”. But, having a little rested, it returned.

And it continues to astonish us by phenomenal achievements. Sequential by it was established on July 3, 2006 – during the day of the release of Belarus’, when athlete in 3 hours, raising 16-kilogram weight 5267 times (29 times in every minute of 3 hrs), knew how to collect the sum of 84272 kg. it is thought, this the not last record of Belorussian hero…

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